This blog is about places i've visited. From tourism site, restaurant, cafe, hotel, villa, etc..
Hope it help somehow.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Our Little SECRET!

Hi there! Just back from my fun adventure in Jogjakarta.
Lotta things to share but I'm gonna start with the best part of it.

I can't ask for better accompany for this holiday but my brothers in Mayapala.
We went to beautiful places and finally found this place.
Its just unbelievable. I've visited some waterfalls and beaches but never find one at the same place!
Its virgin, most of local adventurer never been here, even most of Jogja adventurer have no idea that this treasure is around ;).

I'm not gonna write long this time coz I think pics below will describe its beauty more than enough:

Calling YOUR name (photo by Andie Masela)

Our Little Secret (photo by Andie Masela)

Feel Every Drops (photo by Bang Ben)
Di Sarang Penyamun (photo by Andie Masela)

HAPPY!!! (photo by Bang Ben)

Bidadari Badung (photo by Andie Masela)

Simply Relax (photo by Andie Masela)

Naughty Waves (photo by Andie Masela)

Hidden Beauty (photo by Ucokisme Putra)

My Own Jacuzzi (photo by Bang Ben)

Above Waterfalls and Sea (photo by Ucokisme Putra)
Yiipppiiieeee......!!!! (photo by Bang Ben)


Penasaran? Pengen tau dimana??
Hmmm....I can't tell you guys. Just wanna keep it as our little SECRET, sorry ;).
I can only say that its in Gunung Kidul area, the rest is good luck hahaha....


  1. hihihi "syahadatul makan jamil jiddan" tempat sayang sangat luar biasa...

  2. @kacux: tetep ya bro,semua kalimat bahasa apapun harus ada "makan"nya huahahaha...

  3. tempat sbagus niy koq ga mau kasi tau siy mbak :( Gunung Kidul kan luas :(

  4. Nanti kalo artikelnya udah publish gue kasih tau ya. Skarang gue mo ngelarin tulisannya dulu, lol!
    Thanks for drop by!
