This blog is about places i've visited. From tourism site, restaurant, cafe, hotel, villa, etc..
Hope it help somehow.


Thursday, December 27, 2012


I know I'm not-so-blog friendly this year, but I have a very good reason for that.
"Once upon a time...................." #ngok!
Forget it. 

But I'm not guilty as I actually managed to write 3 articles this year... 
Two are published in and Venture Travel Magazine.
The first article was about Vivid Sydney festival last autumn and the second one is about Pari(s)! Here it is:

Article in Venture Magz

Wanna read more? Get Venture Magazine December - January edition at Gramedia or Kinokuniya. If you do prefer digital version, find it on Scoop.
Don't ask me about the last article as I'm not really sure what to do with that one. 
Keep asking my self, "Is it worth publishing?"

Glad that the countdown is just 4 days away!!!
I think I better stop before accidentally mention my next year travel resolution here.
Will tell you later ;).

Now, just enjoy this cute 'lil card I made for you guys:

Let the card speak for itself

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Walah... ternyata gue belum pernah posting satu artikel pun taon ini ya?
Maaf ya, kemaren-kemaren sibuk kejar setoran sampe komputer gue crashed.
Gak komputer doangan yang ambruk, gue juga harus masuk Hotel Putih karena tifus dan demam berdarah :(.
Huaaa....gak enak banget deh!

Yang lebih gak enak lagi gue harus cancel liburan idaman ke Turki.
Alibinya sih harus nurut kata dokter kalo gak mau kumat lagi, kan 3 bulan sesudah sembuh masih harus amat sangat hati-hati...Tapi sebenernya sih trip batal gara-gara budgetnya kepake buat bayar bill. Ugh!!!

West Head, New South Wales

Alhamdulillah, awal Juni tiga bulanan itu lewat sudah :).
Kaeknya aman deh sekarang kalo full speed lagi.. Selama gak telat makan, gak begadang, gak kecapean, dan gak stress... Nah lho???
Iyah, gue udah nyoba jalan-jalan lagi pertengahan ampe akhir Mei kemarin.
Ke Turki? I wish....
Kemaren balik lagi ngubek-ngubek Sydney, penasaran nih... orang Aborigin ada Pangerannya gak sih?

Hmmm...Turki kapan ya? Kalo gak, Komodo or Rusia gitu kek....
*berdoa dengan amat sangat khusyu.....*